Monday, August 4, 2008

Top rated acne treatment and recommended moisturizer for mature acne prone skin

Some of us complain about dry and sensitive skin where others complain about excess oil, so where does your skin fit in?
Remember that bacteria feed on things and when they do they grow and grown until either their feeding source is stopped or something comes along to kill them. With severe cystic acne these bacteria go so deep in the skin that they get nourishment constantly, like a plant with very deep roots that doesn't die easily. severe cystic acne is much like that; because it goes so deep under the skin it continues to grow and breed.
Acne causes a loss of self confidence and many people go into depression. When people get bad breakouts, it prevents them from going out of the house because they are too embarrassed at what their face looks like. Beautiful men and women, even teenagers often feel like they are ugly or not attractive to the opposite sex.
tags: can i get acne scar removal cream from walmart, health of peanut butter and acne, florida foam wash for acne

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